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re: Ugliest 240 ever

Subject: re: Ugliest 240 ever
From: Dave Hillman <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:21:24 -0600 (CST)
James Rogerson wrote...
> Well, I will be sparing you from the UGLIEST 240 ever.  John Lieberman
> can vouch for the car's beauty (and speed).  Joe and I are hard at
> making the newly purchased '83 RX-7 ($50 absolutely rust free and
> running) into an AM car.  We will be departing from our normal style,
> the car is to be painted.

   Your 240 has a ways to go to match the dark blue AP 240Z at Route 66
yesterday.  As we arrived, we saw the owner ( I hope ) hacksawing away at
the fenders.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 nma, scca, scscc, imoc

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