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Re: The Cost of A-X (long)

Subject: Re: The Cost of A-X (long)
From: Steven Louis Baumbach <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 21:56:03 -0500 (EST)
Come on, Rallying is not that rough on a car.  I have been rallying and
autocrossing my Prizm in Detroit/Saginaw Valley Region/school events for
the past three years, and I have never had a rally related problem.  Heck,
even the shocks are still good.  Please don't put down the rally idea as
being harsh on a car.  The only problem I have had is replacing the
tranny, as the poor gear ratios in the Prizm required several shifts (or
so I thought at the time) during an autocross run.  

Steve "Rallying and Autocrossing Forever" Baumbach
1996 Geo Prizm
1985 Dodge Omni GLHT
1985 Dodge Omni GLH

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 wrote:

> >Snipping the balance of an excellent post.  The last Detroit
> >Region meeting program was "getting started in ....."  The re was
> >general agreement that the cheapest form of autosport (at least
> >as is available within SCCA) is Road Rally.  They never mentioned
> >Dramamine on the list of required equipment, though.
>       Hmmm,  Road Rally (at least the one I went to in the Detroit Region)
> looks to be MORE expensive than auto-x.  There's less equip. to buy to be
> competitve, BUT repairing the car after every event looks to get
> expensive fast.  (Luckily, we got away from it only needing a <$70
> alternator belt replacement)  The "old" one was about 9 months old. 
> Plus, gotta wash the car a lot more often ;-)
>       Seriously though, with the abuse the car took, shocks/struts are going
> to go a LOT faster.  Need another set of wheels as 16" alloys don't cut
> it (14" steel wheels are the way to go, surprised we didn't wreck the
> alloys that time out).  Bottomed out the car a couple times (that can't
> be good)...  And consider that road rally events puts a lot more miles on
> the car.  And it would have been REALLY expensive if we hadn't seen that
> "herd" of deer in time...
> Brian

Steve Baumbach 

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