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Re: The Cost of A-X (long)

Subject: Re: The Cost of A-X (long)
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:21:43 -0700 wrote:
> >Snipping the balance of an excellent post.  The last Detroit
> >Region meeting program was "getting started in ....."  The re was
> >general agreement that the cheapest form of autosport (at least
> >as is available within SCCA) is Road Rally.  They never mentioned
> >Dramamine on the list of required equipment, though.
>         Hmmm,  Road Rally (at least the one I went to in the Detroit Region)
> looks to be MORE expensive than auto-x.  There's less equip. to buy to be
> competitve, BUT repairing the car after every event looks to get
> expensive fast.  (Luckily, we got away from it only needing a <$70
> alternator belt replacement)  The "old" one was about 9 months old.
> Plus, gotta wash the car a lot more often ;-)

        I think you're talking about Pro Rally. Road rally (not Pro) is simply
a TSD event. Travel a certain distance in a prescribed amount of time,
and the routes are on public roads and are intended to excercise
navigation rather than fast drving techniques. Pro Rally however, is a
high speed event on closed roads. BIG difference. SCCA calls it Pro
rally, FIA calls it the world rallye championship, but suffice it to
say, there are two very different forms of rally competition.


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