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Re: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap

To: Jay Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap
From: Perry Kincy <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:25:58 -0800
Hmmm, again fact and fiction get entertwined.  You may install a High
Flow Cat if the vehicle has over 50,000 miles and the converter meets
stringent compatibility requirements and is installed in the same place
as the OEM cat.

The EPA page I copied from a minute ago went into detail about the rules
and regulations governing the installation of non OEM catalytic

I agree with you that the modern cats (for the most part) are very free
flowing.  Some exceptions occur.  For instance on the 98+FBodies the
passenger cat is a tubular model meant for the Corvette and is
incredibly free flowing.  Unfortunately the driver's side cat came from
a lesser GM car (probably the Metro <g>) and provides some real flow


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