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Re: Where is everybody at?

To: "Randy Chase" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Where is everybody at?
From: "Glenn Duensing" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:51:52 -0800
>1. Lots of drivers. Over 250 I heard. This impacted the event and the

See what happens your event is canceled 8^).  Besides most people
I talked to had new tires that they wanted to scrubbed in before the

>2. Great weather, with some breezes to keep it cool in the afternoon.
>Temps in the high 70's and sunny. I should have used sunscreen. 

In helmet bag all the time.

>3. I think the idea of swapping workers on the fly needs refinement in
>it's implementation.

It's the 3 and 3 run group thing.

>4. Nice course. Ended up being much better than I expected from walking
>it. Faster than I expected (witness my first 7 cone penalty run when I
>in in full throttle 3rd gear, I found out how slippery the course was).

Craig usually does a good job.

>5. Some of the run groups were incredibly long. I thing the 2nd group
>that I worked (ack) was an hour and 40 minutes...or maybe it just seemed
>like it. 

Was it that long? I ran in that group and I figured hour and a half, but
what's ten minutes in the sun.

>6. I don't think that Toyo tires that are brand new worked well on the
>sealed asphalt surface of Norton. I felt like I had no grip

Neither does new BFG g-Force

>7. The Tri-tip steak sandwich was good. Suggest the more food be
>precooked (keep hotdogs in a hot water in coffee urn then slap them on a
>hot grill). Suggest one more grill. Suggest that drivers order early if
>the event has 250+ drivers. 

They where overwhelmed by the turn out. Julie normally has food left over.

>8. I never quite understood the situation with cars coming and leaving
>the event and proximity to cars taking off from start. Is the idea to
>keep them separate? I was confused by this.

Technically they decided to play by the rule book. For years
it has not been a problem, but the course was closer to the passage.


Yes Jim, I did run and didn't screw-up the new tires 8^)

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