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Re: Where is everybody at?

Subject: Re: Where is everybody at?
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 19:45:52 -0800

John Galligan wrote:
> Katie;  Have you tried Preparation H on your face?

Maybe a new sponsor for an autocrosser! You pick the driver, I have my
vote.  8)

Here in Southern California, everyone was at the CalClub event at San
Bernardino. Some thoughts:

1. Lots of drivers. Over 250 I heard. This impacted the event and the
2. Great weather, with some breezes to keep it cool in the afternoon.
Temps in the high 70's and sunny. I should have used sunscreen. 
3. I think the idea of swapping workers on the fly needs refinement in
it's implementation.
4. Nice course. Ended up being much better than I expected from walking
it. Faster than I expected (witness my first 7 cone penalty run when I
in in full throttle 3rd gear, I found out how slippery the course was).
5. Some of the run groups were incredibly long. I thing the 2nd group
that I worked (ack) was an hour and 40 minutes...or maybe it just seemed
like it. 
6. I don't think that Toyo tires that are brand new worked well on the
sealed asphalt surface of Norton. I felt like I had no grip, but the
grip did improve a lot at the end of the day, so maybe wearing the paper
stickers off the tire, or the laying down of rubber helped. I did get
down to 70.0 seconds which was respectable. Fastest times were in the 67
second range.
7. The Tri-tip steak sandwich was good. Suggest the more food be
precooked (keep hotdogs in a hot water in coffee urn then slap them on a
hot grill). Suggest one more grill. Suggest that drivers order early if
the event has 250+ drivers. 
8. I never quite understood the situation with cars coming and leaving
the event and proximity to cars taking off from start. Is the idea to
keep them separate? I was confused by this.
9. Thanks to Barbara for the use of the jack, thanks to Renee for
holding my number, thanks to Gary T. for some small thing you said that
helped, thanks to CalClub for putting on a good event. 

On to MaKamey phase II and the National Tour. Hope the weather is as
good as it was this weekend.

Randy Chase
'91 MR2 CS (ran CSP I had any chance with Tom B.)  8-)

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