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Re: Racing Cadillacs!!! and more ...

To: "Jim & Marilyn Rohn" <>,
Subject: Re: Racing Cadillacs!!! and more ...
From: "Steven Firra" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 20:48:38 -0700

being the proud owner of he 1970 Cadilac and the driver on
the wonderous day, I would just like to add the special
safety note to all you who wish to repeat my most excellent
wild ride:
1) remove all hub caps.
2) never have the brakes applied while turning the beast.
3) Make sure all of the 5 codrivers have their safety belts
on and their helmet straps tight!

Steven Firra
'70 Sedan Deville (Babylon Gold with White vinyl top)

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