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Re: Racing Cadillacs!!! and more ...

To: John Lieberman <>,
Subject: Re: Racing Cadillacs!!! and more ...
From: (Jim & Marilyn Rohn)
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 18:19:57 -0700 (MST)
At 6:56 PM 3/11/99, John Lieberman wrote:
>Anybody ever seen a Caddy on an autocross course or a race track?

uh, yes

I was the back seat passenger in a mint original 1970 Sedan de Ville last fall.

We had to stop to ask the course worker for some Grey Poupon though  :-)

Jim Rohn
Beater Racing
AZ Region, home of different autox cars

an 8 passenger Caprice wagon in ESP? with 8 passengers boinking helmets?

ever see a BMW Isetta on an autox? We have ...

how about a GoGomobile? We have ...

or a Blakely? We have ...

we even have a _COMPETITIVE_ Corvair powered '62 Devin currently running ASP ...

makes it a heck of a lot more interesting than a bunch of Neons and Miatas ...

(we even have *TWO* Lotus Elans ... )

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