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Re: Why not? (kinda long)

Subject: Re: Why not? (kinda long)
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:14:19 EST
Bruce Wentzel wrote:

>This is a great thought and I don't want to be a wet rag, but I'd

>bet they would not recognize the skill required to drive an

>autocross course _without_ spinning out and to the general public

>the appeal to watch would be less.

Yeah, but spinning 911's are a common occurance at events in our region -- I
bet that has lots of public appeal!  Well, to the under-30 male public, at
least!  :-)

Seriously though, when they do the extended segments (like the stunt driving
one), they usually do onsite coverage, and this affords them the chance to
actually convey much more information about the sport, skill, rewards and

Throw in some shots of spinning cars, runaway wheels, over-revved M3 engines
and maybe even some clips from the South Bend snow event for added excitement,
and there just might be a chance!  (Sorry, not trying to poke fun at the
unfortunate souls whose "Batmobiles have lost their wheels or over-revved
their engines!"  ;-)

Mike Stevens
ES Altima SE

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