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Re: Memorizing Courses and Driving Lines;Reflections from a newbie

To: Jenaro Rodriguez <>
Subject: Re: Memorizing Courses and Driving Lines;Reflections from a newbie
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 22:03:40 -0600
Jenaro Rodriguez wrote:

.........I didn't think about using the whole course. I
> guess if I opened up some of the turns, I wouldn't be fighting the push
> that I was getting because of this line. I wouldn't be scrubbing off
> speed by sliding. ......

Your way ahead of a lot of other people simply because you are
identifying what you are doing wrong.  It take years for some people to
get to this point.  Keep hitting the bricks, and just work on those
points.  The times will drop.  Have fun!
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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