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Re: course memorizing

Subject: Re: course memorizing
From: washburn <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 09:28:56 -0600 wrote:
> In a message dated 3/6/99 6:09:24 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > But I'm also talking about visually confusing courses where every cone in
> >  the trailer is brought out and you have so many course details to memorize
> >  that it would take more time than you get to memorize it well enough to not
> >  only go the right way but to go fast also.
> >
> Course designers should take note to make courses that are not visually
> confusing....

I remember a lot of the same feelings on a lot of courses.  It was
confusing quite often, and yes some people tend to use every cone in the
trailer.  There is a defense however, and since we are all on the same
course, I look for complex courses to be an advantage for me.  I try to
teach this to novices in our region.  When you are walking the course,
pick out only the cones that matter to your line.  Forget everything
else, they don't exist.  A right/left/right combination for instance
basically be boiled down to three apex cones, or actually a slalom.  I
try to make slaloms out of everything.  None of the other gimmick cones
matter, and should be disregarded.  For the most part, it's entrance
cone, apex cone and exit cone for each corner.  This technique has
served me well, and I feel that it has helped others get past the "sea
of cones" phenomonem.  Most courses can be condensed into 20 or 30 key
cones.  Of course, there is still a certain amount of basic memorization
that comes into play, but you get the idea. Again, it's a technique I
like to use, and may not work for everyone.
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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