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Re: course memorizing

Subject: Re: course memorizing
From: lollipop <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 15:34:58 -0800
Sounds like some large-car drivers might not have been so happy.

>  It slowed down all the Camaros and wider
> cars and gave the Civics and NX2000's (mine one of them) an easy acceleration
> run to a right hand sweeper.   This is one situation that made the course
> significantly different to drive depending on what you drove.
> Kinda gimmicky but effective.

This kind of thinking is what can chase away a lot of drivers who might 
feel welcome. I know for a period of time here, our course designers delighted 
screwing the big cars, so much so that they formed their own group, and we the long run.  According to the rules, isn't there a minimum gate
width? Something like 12-15 feet?--Pat Kelly

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