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RE: ABS facts and myths

Subject: RE: ABS facts and myths
From: DOUG GILL 383-4291 <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:50:43 -0500 (CDT)
          >Oh, you wanted me to cite my references!
          Not exactly! I just asked where can I find this info so I can be so 
          smart like you!  :)
          >Sorry, I don't keep track of my citations.
          I just asked where can I find this knowledge that every believes. 
          Sorry, if you are making this personal. All the studying of ABS 
          that I have done says the rear brakes are operated together during 
          ABS activation.
          >These probably don't count, but here's some "articles" on ASC+T on
          > the Web:
          I appreciate it, but they don't discuss the ABS operation. Traction 
          control does operate the rear wheels independently, but that 
          doesn't make it so for ABS. Sorry, I shoudln't have asked an honest 
          question. Contrary to your tone, I would really like some sort of 
          documentation. For me, it's a professional curiosity.
          >If you want a better answer, you could ask one of the BMW lists.
          >Lots of experts out there; but, they may not be able to cite 
          >references either.  OTOH some of them are more reliable than BMW
          >docs anyway.
          Thanks, but that doesn't help my situation if there are no 
          references. Didn't mean to bug you, just wanted to know for sure, 
          not word of mouth.

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