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Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 11:38:37 -0500 (EST)

I dunno much about how the major Solo events do it, but in most racing
I've done its the responsibility of tech to make sure that there _are_
markings and the responsiblity of registration/scoring and the fellow
competitors to make sure the markings are _correct_

With regard to the original post about should you protest or not, pretty
much no.  If the timing and scoring people don't care, why should you?  If
the timing and scoring people did care, then they shouldn't have allowed
him to run.  Either way, you're not involved.

You can't protest someone for being a dickhead (if that's what he was

I'd be interested to know if that same guy is currently talking
about how freaking anal some of those solo guys are with words like "Yeah,
so I talked to timing and scoring and they said not to worry about it, but
I kept getting these morons telling me I _had_ to have class letters.  Why
the hell don't they just concentrate on running well instead of how my car

All this is mostly complete conjecture on my part, but you asked.


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