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Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities

To: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities
From: Paul Czarnecki <>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 17:26:40 -0500
At 3:57 PM -0500 3/4/1999, Rocky Entriken wrote:
>does not get handled at all. the crew in T&S would usually cheer to learn the\
>bozo who refused to fix a bad number just got DQ'd by the event steward. But
>I've never heard of that happening.

Why not just not time the jerk?  "I'm sorry mister steward, there were so
many cars out there I just couldn't get that one done... :-)"

Paul Czarnecki
Stop the FDIC's "Know Your Customer" rule:

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