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Re: Removable Rearview

Subject: Re: Removable Rearview
From: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 07:43:13 PST
Now I agree if it says I cant so be it, But I glanced in my '99 rule 
book and did not find that statement, I did see it on the web page?
I take it the rule book is right there for it falls under the Not held 
down by perm. fasterners and can be removed like my ashtray, and cup 
holder, Both of them clip in and I take them out, But for diffrent 
reasons, (Because they could become projectiles at >1 g's
but I guess so could the mirror.


>Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that we would have a rule in place that
>prohibits the improvement of _visibility out of the car_?
>"Gee, I'm sorry I ran over that corner worker franticly waving that red 
flag and
>subsequently plowed into that stopped car, but I couldn't see him - the 
>was in the way. But my car was legal!"

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