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Re: Removable rearview

Subject: Re: Removable rearview
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 02:22:38 EST
In a message dated 2/25/99 10:44:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< If I decide to attend a CenDiv divisional, will I be
 attacked by rabid rulebook lawyers citing passages of the rulebook that I
 don't even know about?  What's it really like?  Some opinion on the
 "atmosphere" at the different levels of competition would be
 appreciated... >>

     If you run well and maybe WIN you might expect
 someone to come at you with the Book. Go nice and 
 slow and no one will give you a second look. 
     The only real difference between some little local
 club's event and one of the scca's Big Extravaganzas is
 all the banners, corporate logos, tire trucks, tents and 
 pretentious strutting of the super stars of the sport.
     Take away all that and what have you got? Some cones
 arranged on a patch of pavement.
      CenDiv? I don't know. Don't they do something at
 Wurtsmith AFB at Oscoda Mich. every now and then?
 I spent 3 years there courtesy of Uncle Sam about, well, 
 never mind how many years ago. Brrrr...

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