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Re: sp changes in fast track

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>,
Subject: Re: sp changes in fast track
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:48:07 -0600
>So, there is a CHANGE in the rules. You can't really say what was
>the original intent of the rules, only that a later SEB decided
>that they wanted to change them. Not the first time this has
>happened, but this is in a particularly difficult and
>unenforceable area.
>Jay "still haven't seen the wording" Mitchell
As one who has already received his copy of Sports Car and read the
aforementioned text several times trying to make heads or tails out of it,
let me make a comment or two.

Apparently there actually were enough sour grapes over the "unrestricted
fuel lines" that some were using at the Nats last year that the SEB felt it
necessary to enact a change in the wording of the SP rules.  This is exactly
why they were elected to their positions, to reflect the opinions and wishes
of the Solo community as a whole.

There is a common interpretation of the rules that 99.9% of the SCCA members
can agree upon as being the "intent" of the written rules and there is that
other 0.1% of the membership who have to push the envelope and explore the
gray areas of the written and commonly understood rules.  Last year they got
away with it, eventually, after a final ruling by the nationals protest

This year those same rule benders, note I didn't say breakers, will just
have a much harder time finding a "gray area' to exploit in the wording of
the rules in this particular area.  Deal with it.  You've no doubt heard the
old saying of "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."
This is exactly what the rule writers have said by their actions when they
changed the wording of the rules to possibly totally eliminate this
particular "gray area" in the SP rules.

Looks like those same rule benders will just have to find another "gray
area" to work around this year.  That's called progress.

I personally have nothing against these "rule benders" but rather applaud
their efforts and ingenuity.  I participate in a pistol shooting sport
(IPSC) that also has a rather lengthy and wordy rule book.  At each event
(match) the head Range Officer builds a course of fire (consisting of
targets to shoot at with pistols and obstacles to manuever around or
through) for us to shoot through and usually they are considered

"Freestyle" means that it is up to the individual shooter to decide what is
the best way to negotiate the required tasks and complete the course of
fire.  I take pride in being called a "gamesman" and finding new and
advantageous (to me) ways of interpreting the rules (read: gray areas) and
course description as they are given to me.  Sometimes I do find a better
way of negotiating the course than the other competitors and of course
finish with a better score and/or lower time.  That is what being a gamesman
is all about.  Sometimes though the risk you take by plotting your own
course and interpreting the tasks as you see fit will backfire and actually
hurt your final score.  Dems da breaks.

There is also another type of competitor known as the much loathed DRL
(damned range lawyer) which will brow beat you with the rule book and
generally make it unpleasant to be around them and participate in the event.
They will sometimes spoil the event by nitpicking every little thing to
death with the rule book but they are technically correct in their DRLness.

This DRL is akin to the much despised "weenie protestor" that tends to rear
their ugly heads at the larger Solo2 events.  This generally tends to cause
a lot of headaches and sure doesn't make anybody new friends that day.
Sure, technically the DRL and the weenie protestor are correct according to
the letter of the rule but they sure aren't making anyone's day any easier
or more pleasant.

So, to sum up my rant it looks as though the SP guys are just going to have
to find another gray area in the rules to exploit this year.

Good luck.

See you on course.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

Take a ton of bolt and steel
A whole lotta sweat, a set of wheels.....On the Speedway.
The flag is down, pistons pound
Plenty of engines ripping around......On the Speedway.
"Speedway" by Elvis Presley

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