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Re: sp changes in fast track

To: "Brian M Kennedy" <>, "Joshua Hadler" <>
Subject: Re: sp changes in fast track
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 12:52:03 -0600
Brian Kennedy wrote:

>The rules makers didn't _intend_ to allow the RX fuel system.

You and Mark Sipe are apparently, at least in your own minds,
omniscient. How in hell can you claim to know the INTENT of the
rulesmakers if you didn't participate in the rules-writing

>However, in the protest process, they can't punish people for
>following the written rules.

Well, that's a real favor. If you COULD punish someone for
following the "written rules" rather than the "intent" as
presented by the allegedly omniscient, then why even HAVE rules?

>  And they judged that the written
>rules allowed it.  But they didn't want the written rules to
>allow it.

So, there is a CHANGE in the rules. You can't really say what was
the original intent of the rules, only that a later SEB decided
that they wanted to change them. Not the first time this has
happened, but this is in a particularly difficult and
unenforceable area.

Jay "still haven't seen the wording" Mitchell

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