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Re: Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle

To: Craig Blome <>,
Subject: Re: Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle
From: Vince Bly <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 18:42:18 -0500
At 03:58 PM 2/11/99 -0800, Craig Blome wrote:
>Had kind of an unnerving incident last Sunday at the Texas Spokes
>event in San Marcos.  I was watching my co-driver approach the finish
>line and heard my car going brrrrmmmmmmmmBABABABABABABABA *silence*
>*uh oh*
>Alan coasted back to the pits a bit wide-eyed, reporting that the
>throttle had stuck.  I had a look at the car and realized what had
>happened:  The underside of the Miata's gas pedal is a sharp edge,
>which over a couple of seasons has worn a hole in the carpet that
>finally snagged the pedal.  Shudder...I'm glad he knew to cut the
>ignition without locking up the steering.  I patched the hole with
>duct tape, and am having the carpet replaced under warranty, but need
>to decide how best to prevent a repeat occurrence.
>Any other Miata drivers experienced this problem?  I was thinking of
>getting some kind of plastic edging to press over the sharp edge of
>the pedal.  Other ideas?
>Craig "and I'm chief tech embarrassing" Blome
>Texas Spokes SCC, Austin, TX


        Unfortunately, this is a rather common problem.  I had it
happen to me at the Jacksonville Pro last year.  I put a warning
on Team.Net at the time and mentioned it to Steve Sanders at Mazda
Motorsports.  Steve said they would put out a warning, but I've
not heard of this actually happening.  I also discussed this with
Howard Duncan.  He said, that since this is a safety issue and most
solutions would not provide a competitive advantage, most reasonable
solutions would be acceptable.  I've taped a thin aluminium plate
over the area worn by the pedal.  As long as you don't get too
creative, you should be Ok.

                                                        Vince Bly


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