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Re: Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle

To: Craig Blome <>
Subject: Re: Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle
From: Bob Klingler <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:14:56 -0700

My experienced guess is that you have removed the factory option floor
mat to follow the letter of the Solo II Safety Inspection Section
3.3.C.  Item 1.of that section indicates you should remove all loose
items from the inside and outside of your vehicle.  But the fitted,
factory option mat is NOT a loose item because it stays in place, even
during autocrossing.  Left in place, it actually prevents the cutting
and subsequent throttle hang-up.  Item 7. of the same section of the
rulebook must be applied.  It states that "Throttle return action shall
be safe and positive."  

The above is a simple and inexpensive solution to the problem.  Are
there other solutions?  Probably so, but modifications to the pedal are
certainly protest able, at least in Stock.    

If you happen to have a '99, the optional factory floor mat on the
driver's side has a fastening screw built into it.  This make the
"loose" mat "fixed" and even more clearly resolves the question. 

Best of luck,


Craig Blome wrote:
> Had kind of an unnerving incident last Sunday at the Texas Spokes
> event in San Marcos.  I was watching my co-driver approach the finish
> line and heard my car going brrrrmmmmmmmmBABABABABABABABA *silence*
> *uh oh*
> Alan coasted back to the pits a bit wide-eyed, reporting that the
> throttle had stuck.  I had a look at the car and realized what had
> happened:  The underside of the Miata's gas pedal is a sharp edge,
> which over a couple of seasons has worn a hole in the carpet that
> finally snagged the pedal.  Shudder...I'm glad he knew to cut the
> ignition without locking up the steering.  I patched the hole with
> duct tape, and am having the carpet replaced under warranty, but need
> to decide how best to prevent a repeat occurrence.
> Any other Miata drivers experienced this problem?  I was thinking of
> getting some kind of plastic edging to press over the sharp edge of
> the pedal.  Other ideas?
> Craig "and I'm chief tech embarrassing" Blome
> Texas Spokes SCC, Austin, TX

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