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Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle

To: <>
Subject: Holy WOT, Batman! Stuck Miata throttle
From: "Mari L. Clements" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:29:50 -0500
>>Any other Miata drivers experienced this problem?  I was thinking of
>>getting some kind of plastic edging to press over the sharp edge of
>>the pedal.  Other ideas?
>You could refrain from flooring the pedal ; )
>Eric (someone had to say it ) Clements

I do not want to get caught in the overshoot from the flame throwers.  I did
not say this.  I had no idea he would say it.  I was not looking over his
shoulder when he said it.  I am not married to this man.  I've never heard
of Eric Clements.  (Hey, it worked for Clinton, didn't it?)

Mari (my mother drives a Miata) Clements

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