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Re: Image Awareness

Subject: Re: Image Awareness
From: Buddy Ahlers <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:58:07 -0800 (PST)

----Someone else wrote: 
> <<Take a look at most professional race series today, show me a
> series that isn't 40% over inflated ego's who will do anything to
win>> wrote:
> They got there for a reason, ego or not.  They got there because of

Just the other day, Bobby Hamilton was being interviewed while at the
ARCA qualifying rounds and said,"Anyone at all can come in here
[Daytona] with a good car and run fast enough to put them on the
pole." This coming straight from a very seasoned racing veteran. (even
if it's all going in circles!)  ;-)

He's right though, I think that if you put anyone in a fast car, they
can go fast.
Which still brings me back to MY original thought:  It's not what you
know and how you drive, but who you know and what you drive that makes
good drivers great and bad drivers good.

Another race driver once told me this:
It doesn't matter what's between your legs, but it's more a matter of
what's between your ears, and what's under your ass that makes you a
good racecar driver... But it never hurts to have a huge set of B*LLS

I guess that along that line of thinking women and men would be pretty
equal on the track.  So why separate them?  Because its something
different, and it allows more women to participate at a higher level,
thus showing us men that they really can cut it at the top, that way
they can get the sponsorships and rides that they probably deserved
all along, opening the rest of the world's eyes to the fact that they
can be fast, therefore encouraging other women to do it, and thus
opening the sport of racing to more people, making our organization
stronger etc. guys (and gals) see where I'm heading with

My point?  Let women have their own series, it will probably be a good
thing.  It certainly won't hurt anything.  I'd watch it...not just for
the spandex driving suits.  ;-)

End of rant and rave,
Buddy "what's your point?" Ahlers.

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