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Re: C stock in 2000

Subject: Re: C stock in 2000
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 07:40:40 -0800
I think a lot of the MR-2/Miata question (beyond driver) is the car set
up. A stock aligned MR2 can be brutal if your aggressive.

Back when I started in this sport, for the first few years, I heard the
well-intentioned local gurus say "don't worry about the car, concentrate
on your driving". Okay...then I would go and spin it again.

Now, I know I am often too aggressive and pay the price...but often I
would get a local hot-shoe (some on this list) who would say "hey, let
me drive your car once and show you how it's done"..and then promptly
spin it...on the first turn...and then announce "man, that car spins

I used to keep track of the number of times I have spun my MR2, but I
lost track after 300. 8)

Randy Chase

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