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RE: FF2000 in CM?

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: FF2000 in CM?
From: "Pruett, Christopher (CK)" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 21:14:42 -0500
As was the case 5 years ago, I was just offering up an idea to allow the FF2000 
to run in CM vs.. BM as these cars are closer mechanically to the FF/S2 than 
the FA/CSR. After running a FF2000 in BM, I really don't think it matters much 
either way as you're just as handicapped running unrestricted in BM as I 
believe you would be in CM with a harder compound. Besides, I still think that 
a fully prepared FF2000 car can be reasonably competitive (fighting for a 
trophy position, but not the overall win...) in BM. I know that my FF2000 was 
nowhere near fully developed as a Solo2 car; I gave up on it after spending too 
much time dealing with mechanical issues. As I said, I do it again; I was 
considering two '84 Reynard FF2000's before buying the '82 Reynard FF1600.
 -----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 8:41 PM
To: Pruett, Christopher (CK)
Cc: cm; ''
Subject: Re: FF2000 in CM?
Importance: Low


    I understand that it would be nice to give the F2000 a break, they are nice 
cars.  Requiring those cars to run hard compounds may (or may not) result in 
the correct performance levels for CM.   But do you think it may open a can of 
worms?   After all, once you let those cars into the class  .... they're in!  
If they are not competitive enough, their owners will lobby for better tires.  
The next iteration of tire could put them over the top and render FF1600s to 
the bottom of the pack.

    And  what about when it rains?   I don't think there's any such thing as a 
hard rain tire. 

    IMHO, it's sort of like saying lets allow Corvettes (or some powerful, good 
handling car) into G Stock with the Celicas but make the newcomer run 
designated hard compound tires.   Instead of going to that trouble, just put 
the right cars into the class they match closets with, without having to resort 
to handicaps.  Handicapping is always a devil's brew to deal with.   It will 
ALWAYS be the case that some cars will be too fast for one class, but too slow 
for another class.   

Right now, there are not alot of  F2000s out there in the hands of 
autocrossers.  Autocrossers who want a formula car that is not too complicated 
have CM and FM to play in.  And the prices of cars in those categories are 
quite reasonable.  Opening up the can of worms represented by F2000 is too 
dangerous to the investment of hundreds of current CM owners around the country.


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