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Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?

To: JIm & Leslie <>, Tigers
Subject: Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?
From: Russ Maddock <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 18:40:46 +1000 (EST)
Hi Jim, 

You might be able to get an idea of where Ryton is
relative to Coventry itself from here:

The factory is right on the city outskirts.

There's another Rootes/Peugeot factory closer to the
city. It's even older than Ryton, dating back to the
late 1890s/early 1900s. Cars haven't been produced
there since, oh, just after the war I think. Last I
heard it was scheduled for demolition to make way for
a fancy new office block. If that's not bad enough
this site was also home to the Rootes Competitions
Dept which will no doubt be knocked down too. :(


--- JIm & Leslie <> wrote:

> Is that where the museum is located?
> I once got to copy the handwritten build records for
> my car at a museum in 
> Coventry.

Russ Maddock

1963 Sunbeam Alpine sIII
1969 Sunbeam Imp Sport
2001 Peugeot-UK 206 1.6

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