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Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?

Subject: Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:12:24 EDT
It is sad to see the old Rootes factory being shut down regardless  of who is 
building there now.  It seems to me that much of the auto  industry is headed 
the same direction that the airlines are going....unless  the unions are 
willing to accept drastic cuts in pay and benefits, most cars  will be built in 
Asia.  Like it or not, that seems to be the  situation.  Years back a friend of 
mine worked in a US assembly factory for  a few years.  He said that he was 
limited to how much work he could produce  and could have easily done two or 
three times the amount he was putting  out.  Do you think you would ever hear 
that story in a Toyota  factory?  :-)
Mark L.

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