How eloquently put.
I also spent many an hour enjoyably tinkering with MGB's as a young mechanic.
Funnily enough my main job was converting UK MGB's to 'UK spec'.
Given that 80% of 'B's were being exported to the US, they were all made,
from the rubber bumper era to US spec. The conversion involved giving them
back the 10BHP lost through the anti-smog detuning, and lowering the
suspension back to a respectable sports car level.
If only I had been blessed with the prescience to know what 'traffic calming'
measured we would have been cursed with here in the UK, I'd left the
suspension be. We have things called 'sleeping policemen' over here which are
essentially small hummocks you have to ascend/descend on most suburban roads.
In the Alpine, it is all but impossible to navigate these without damaging
either exhaust or chassis.