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Re: Windshield Wipers

Subject: Re: Windshield Wipers
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 06:19:21 -0700

I don't have a wiring diagram in front of me right now but, as I recall
the wiring from past problems, your wiper motor ground should provide a
path to ground whenever the wipers are out of the "rest" position (from
an internal switch which is not shown on the diagram). One other wire 
on the wiper motor should go directly to the fuse block and the other should
go to one side of your wiper switch. The other side of your wiper switch
should have a wire going to ground.

This means that your wiper motor is always "hot" and the internal switch
can return the wipers to "rest" even if the wiper switch is off. When
the motor is operating continuously, it gets its ground through the

This set-up made me a little nervous, so I put an inline fuse (10 amp, I
think,) in between the main fuse block and the motor, to avoid letting
too much smoke out of the wires if wipers were moved and/or blocked from
returning to rest.
Hope this helps!

Ron Tebo - Series I - B9000627 wrote:
> I have rewired my Series I with negative ground.  I have everything working
> except the wipers.
> On the wiper motor, there are three wires.  1. Ground 2. Green wire 3. Green
> wire
> I presume the two green wires go to the switch.  Looking at my wiring
> diagram, it looks like one of the green wires goes to ground also, but when I
> test each of the green wires it does not go to ground.  My wipers were
> working before I rewired.
> Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong.  I connected both
> green wires to the switch and nothing happens.  I have power at the switch, I
> tested that.  Am I supposed to have a ground wire on the switch also?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Rob

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