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Re: Upgrading the Heater

To: Ryan Lee <>
Subject: Re: Upgrading the Heater
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 09:48:49 -0500
I went to college in Rochester NY, and drove a S4 at the time.  During the dead
of winter, I found Gennessee Beer worked better than Cream Ale, although I had a
wealthy friend who swore by Perno.  Hope this helps, Bill

Ryan Lee wrote:

> Morning,
> I've beens searching for articles on how to possibly upgrade the heater in
> my SV so that it puts out more heat, and puts out more air than somebody
> breathing :-)
> It's -20C here right now, so obviously I'm not driving it around (though, it
> has been done, I know). However, during the spring/fall months, and
> sometimes on a cool summer night, I turn the heater on. I always, -always-
> drive with the top down, unless it's raining, no matter how cold it is
> outside. Thus, my heater got some use this year, as I cruise past people,
> top down, t shirt on, as I pass soccer-moms in their Ford Mustangs and VW
> Golfs and Chrysler Sebrings, all with their tops up.
> Anyone have any tips/links that might help out?
> Thanks,
> Ryan :Lee
> B395000793 LRX  original CC#100
> "Mustang Red" Series V

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