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Re: 1600 vs 1725 / Chevy Rods / Isky / Lifters

To: <>, "Alpine list" <>
Subject: Re: 1600 vs 1725 / Chevy Rods / Isky / Lifters
From: "Greg Locke" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 13:20:58 +1300
Yeah, but the roller rockers are generally made of lightweight material,
that further reduces inertia in the valve train, allowing the valve to more
accurately follow a more radical cam profile. And as you say, this more
radial profile is less likely to stress out the guides and valves so much.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 November 2000 17:18
Subject: Re: 1600 vs 1725 / Chevy Rods / Isky / Lifters

> In a message dated 11/13/00 5:43:38 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> > From what I understand, the rocker itself adds a little
> >  extra improvement, but it's main advantage is to allow a cam to be used
> that
> >  opens and shuts quicker, with the valve still being able to follow the
> >  profile OK.
> Careful here...  Roller LIFTERS allow a more radical "ramp" on the cam, so
> the lifter doesn't "dig" into the cam, and the resulting valve opening
> is a huge improvement.  Eric is talking about roller ROCKERS.  These
> friction and side stresses on the valves/guides.
> Gary

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