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Re: Hardtop Storage

To: James Henningsen <trguy@cfl.rr.com>,
Subject: Re: Hardtop Storage
From: Kendall Larsen <mailkendall@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 10:19:42 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Jim,

I have stored my hardtop on end leaned up against a wall with success. I just
put the top on my car last weekend, but for the last 2 years it has been in a
closet in my apartment that way. It doesn't appear to be any worse for the wear
for standing on end, and it takes up a lot less room that way. Just put some
sort of non-slip soft something down on the ground like an old piece of carpet.

San Clemente, CA

--- James Henningsen <trguy@cfl.rr.com> wrote:

> Anyone have suggestions for storing the hardtop?  I would be interested in a
> cart (haven't seen one for sale though) on rollers or system for hanging
> from garage ceiling.   All ideas appreciated.

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