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Re: Fuel delivery problem

To: "Campsmith, Michael" <mgc4@cdc.gov>,
Subject: Re: Fuel delivery problem
From: "Jeff Fetner" <fetnerj001@hawaii.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 07:47:54 -1000

  I has the same problem with my car, which had sat for many years.  I 
cleaned the tank and the short tank outlet pipe, but the first foot of the 
long pipe that runs forward was plugged with a tar-like crud at the bend 
under the tank.  I cut that part out and replaced with rubber fuel line. 
Then the clear filter up front started filling with rust the size of 
sand/dust.  After a few stalls from lake of fuel, I cleaned the tank again 
and put another clear fuel filter in the line at the bottom of the tank.
    I think the rust particles were settling at the bend and cutting the 
flow.  I cleaned it out with one of those long brushes used to clean 
Camelback water carriers (I now have a dedicates fuel line cleaner).  I got 
a good handful of rust out of the tank, which I think would collect over the 
tank outlet and restrict the fuel flow.  A little rust dust is in the filter 
neat the tank, but so far so good.  Good luck!

'74 CF13816U

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Campsmith, Michael" <mgc4@cdc.gov>
To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: Fuel delivery problem

> Fellow listers:
> I'm having an intermittent fuel flow problem with my 1974 TR6 and wanted
> to get your thoughts on possible causes and solutions.
> Three weeks ago I was driving in town and the car started to sputter and
> cough under load, but if I pushed in the clutch it would rev normally.
> Finally it stalled and I coasted into a parking lot.  When I popped the
> hood I noticed that the see-through fuel filter was only about 1/3 full.
> I let the car sit for a while and started it back up; however it only
> drove another half mile before it stalled again.  The fuel filter was
> again less than full and this time I disconnected the hose from the
> outlet side of the filter--fuel flowed freely out of the filter.  I put
> everything back together and drove home without incident.  Since it was
> a hot day and the tank was near empty I thought it might have been due
> to low volume so I filled the tank and forgot about it.
> Today I was on the highway driving to an event in north Georgia when it
> did the same thing.  Same stalling, same nearly empty fuel filter, same
> ability to drive home after I confirmed fuel was flowing through the
> filter. When I got home the fuel filter was observed to be full.
> The car was apart from February 2004 until May 2005 for a frame off
> restoration.  I drove it all last summer without incident, including
> 3,000 miles in one week.  Now I am afraid of getting stranded until I
> figure this out.
> Mechanical fuel pump is less than a year old and is the expensive one.
> The fuel tank and rigid lines are original, although I did clean them
> thoroughly (at least I thought so) before reinstalling last summer.
> My best guess is either a bad fuel pump or a blocked line.  Anyone ever
> have a fuel pump fail intermittently?
> I'm going to put the old fuel pump back on (was working fine when I
> replaced it) and drain some fuel out of the tank in case any crud is
> blocking the outlet.  Other than that I don't have a guess.
> Your ideas are most appreciated.
> Michael Campsmith
> 1974 TR6 (now BRG) 

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