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Re: 200 MPG Carburetor

To: bratt@sasktel.net, slbridge@hotmail.com, mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: 200 MPG Carburetor
From: "Dwayne Cooper" <dc_bruin@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 06:29:55 -0700
Actuallly, the building of a compact perpetual motion machine is a solved 
problem.  It works on two well known principals:

1) A Cat when dropped from any position will always land on its feet.
2) Buttered toast when dropped will always land butter-side down.

Construction is quite simple -- glue a couple of pieces of buttered toast to 
a cat's back (butter side up of course) and you have it.  Drop the 
cat/butter toast combo from any height and it will spin suspended above the 
ground.  You could imagine a small buttered-toast-cat array powering a 
triumph -- couldn't you?


From: Ed Bratt <bratt@sasktel.net>
Reply-To: Ed Bratt <bratt@sasktel.net>
To: steve bridge <slbridge@hotmail.com>, mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com
CC: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: 200 MPG Carburetor
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 23:14:01 -0600


 >I expect to see the perpetual
 > motion machine at about the same time.

A French inventor, Aldo Costa, constructed a perpetual motion machine...

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