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RE: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted

To: m_girardin@sympatico.ca, tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Subject: RE: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted
From: william.mcintire@wright.edu
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 09:15:08 -0400
Mine pee's from the 'O' rings between the resivour and the master cyl. Same 
net effect, fluid exactly where you don't really want it.  Guess I either have 
to fix it or put a bucket under it.

>===== Original Message From tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor) =====
>Marc---New seals/kit can be fitted to the MC. Examine the bore out in
>the sunlight or with a good Maglite for signs of pitting and/or
>scratches. All but the most severe can be removed with a brake cylinder
>hone and a hand drill motor, noting the "step" to get to the smaller,
>back bore.
>I find this preferable to spending a couple of bills to have someone
>else give me a clean bore.
>Oddly enough, some of our TR's (mine) have a relief ground into bottom
>of the MC rear flange, and an indent in the booster casing. This allows
>any leaking fluid to run down the firewall, onto the wiring harness and
>paint. Pick your poison?!

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