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Re: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted

To: m_girardin@sympatico.ca, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted
From: Acekraut11@aol.com
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 00:34:10 -0400

Your missing brake fluid will be located in your servo, unless your servo has 
filled to capacity at which time it will be on your feet.

The answer to your question regarding rebuilding or replacing your MC lies in 
what you discover when you take the MC apart.  If the bore is clean and smooth 
and then I would purchase a rebuild kit and see if everything works well after 
your rebuild.  If there is pitting in the bore then it is time to have it 
replaced or resleeved.

I thought that since my brakes worked well, even with a single slight pit in 
the bore and a leak in the seal that a rebuild would work.  I was wrong since 
that ever so slight imperfection in the bore caused the new tighter replacement 
seals to bind some of the time and the result was poor brake performance.

Finally I have intentionally given an answer that is not as detailed as it 
could be since the www.buckeyetriumphs.org has an excellent series of pages on 
all aspects of the TR6 brake system.  Also, check out the www.vtr.org website 
for additional good stuff on TR6 brakes.

Hope this helps.



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