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Re: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted

To: m_girardin@sympatico.ca (Marc Girardin)
Subject: Re: Barke master cylinder - Opinions wanted
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 23:28:54 -0700 (PDT)
Marc---New seals/kit can be fitted to the MC. Examine the bore out in
the sunlight or with a good Maglite for signs of pitting and/or
scratches. All but the most severe can be removed with a brake cylinder
hone and a hand drill motor, noting the "step" to get to the smaller,
back bore.
I find this preferable to spending a couple of bills to have someone
else give me a clean bore. 
Oddly enough, some of our TR's (mine) have a relief ground into bottom
of the MC rear flange, and an indent in the booster casing. This allows
any leaking fluid to run down the firewall, onto the wiring harness and
paint. Pick your poison?!


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