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Re: Pushrods and rocker pedestals

To: Jim Swarthout <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Pushrods and rocker pedestals
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 07:51:30 -0400

I saw it and stepped on it intentionally. Looked to me like another pile 
of BS.

I'll quote you from your latest attack on Dick Taylor.

"Shall I retrieve my crystal ball!!!, or would you care to elaborate

Don Malling

Jim Swarthout wrote:
> Don,
> You just stepped in dog DOO!!!
> It's O.K., it happens to the best of us...LOLOL
> Best regards,
> Jim Swarthout
> Creative Engineering & Design, Inc.
> Jim,
> Your constant attacks on Dick Taylor are getting tiresome. You're out of
> line.
> Dick didn't say the radius of the arc changed, he said the length of the
> arc increased as the valves opened. Check your high school geometry 
> book. It will explain to you the difference between the length of an arc
> and its radius.
> Don Malling

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