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Re: Rough idle when warm

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Rough idle when warm
From: "Mark Martin" <markmartin@adelphia.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 13:17:00 -0400
Thanks to all who responded.

Sorry about leaving the date out...duuhhhhh.  It's a 72TR6 and the engine
was rebuilt last year and has 3500 miles on it.  The carbs were also rebuilt
at that time.  Though I didn't have it done, I have all the paperwork and
met with the mechanic before I purchased the car last year.  Until I added
that darn oil to the dashpot the miss was nothing really bad.

>From your suggestion and others, it looks as if I'm going to start with...

1. Change the points and rotor (though they look good, it's cheap and easy
to do)
2. Change the sparkplugs (again cheap and easy)
3. Tune the carbs (I'll see how easy (grin-grin))

Hopefully, this will get me back on the road.  As for the temperature
compensators, I thought about those but everything was relatively fine until
the dashpot oil.  If this doesn't work, then I have the instructions for the
compensators and may go down that path...not sure how they really work but
hey, that's all part of having a TR...live and learn.

I'll post a final fix later this week.

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Stephen Hanselman
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 10:49 AM
To: Mark Martin; 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Rough idle when warm


DO you have vacuum retard only on your car?  You didn't give the year of
your TR so it's an open question.  My '72 has only the retard unit(looks a
lot like an US type advance unit) if your vacuum lines feeding this are not
installed properly as the engine warms (ok, gets hot) the vacuum source
might be ve3nted keeping the retard from working properly, retarded timing =
slower idle.

Of course this really is a dance around what I'd do first which is re-build
the carbs (this assumes you haven't done that already).  I haven't had
problems with mine, so someone else might chime in, but the temperature
compensators might be sticking.  Again I haven't really figured out how they
work so I don't know if it would be stuck open or closed.  Look at the
Buckeye site (www.buckeyetriumphs.org)

hope this helps a bit


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net]On
Behalf Of Mark Martin
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 4:56 AM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Cc: markmartin@adelphia.net
Subject: FW: Rough idle when warm

I'm a relatively new TR6 owner (last year) and need some advice.  The car
developed a slight miss last month so I checked the points, rotor, plugs,
etc and everything looked good.  I then cleaned the fuel filter and still, I
had just a slight miss.  Checked the timing and it was good.  I then checked
the dashpot oil and noticed one was low.  I had asked the PO what type oil
he used and it was simply Castrol GTX 20W50.  I added oil to the dashpot and
now I really have problems.  The car runs great when COLD.  Accelerates well
and no miss...however, when it gets to operating temp it begins to cut-out
and idles very rough.  I can't get the idle below 1200RPM without killing
the engine.  It's practically non-drivable when warm.  Also, the retard is
very slow.

Any thoughts?  I haven't adjusted the carbs yet as I've heard the horror
stories.  I have purchased an air flow meter and the Gunson's ColorTune.
However, before I start tuning the carbs should I look for something else?

Help...the weather is beautiful and I'm stuck the garage!!!!!!


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