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RE: Petronix Question

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Petronix Question
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:45:36 -0400

Thanks to Walt Philipson & Dave Herbert for kicking-off an ignition
related thread! I'm afraid after having read several contradictory posts
I'm still not clear as to how the condenser & ballast resistor come into

I obviously blundered when I described the operation of the ignition
coil. This stems from very basic classes in electronics, of which; I
will admit I was never very good!

>From what little bit I did draw from electronics class, the explanation
that Vance Navarrette gave seemed to be right on target!

It would be great if someone could summarize, and then gain list
acceptance to the explanation, so that there will be no doubt!

I realize that once again I will be exposing my ignorance pertaining to
electrical/electronic items, but I have to wonder why anyone would
switch to an electronic ignition system.

Other than the fact that you must replace/adjust points occasionally,
(adjust once per year, replace every three; with daily driving!), what
real benefits do you derive from retrofitting to an electronic ignition?

Is there a significant horsepower increase? Can you actually feel it? I
don't see how! Is there a noticeable increase in fuel economy? I can't

I fully understand how a hall-effect electronic ignition works!

Where's the real benefit!

I tend to gauge everything, automotive related, in terms of cost vs.

If an engine will turn 8,000RPM with points without faltering, then what
is to be gained with an electronic set-up? My little Fiat turns 7,000RPM
stock, with points!

I don't buy the technology, latest this and that crap! I want hard
evidence that it is beneficial in some way.

I would like to hear thoughts and theories so that I may understand the
logic behind the change!

Best regards,

Jim Swarthout

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