Had on in a 356 Speedster. Without the boring details, it turned out that #3
cyl had 28 deg. static advance while the rest had 10 which was where I was
aiming the advance. Checked the magnet wheel thing and the mag. for #3 was 18
deg out of phase relative to where it should have been. Called Petronix, there
reesponse was that it couldn't possibly be and refused to do anything about
it. Now have a different brand and me and the car are happy.
Bill '70 6
>===== Original Message From WMSYSMAN@aol.com =====
>Dear members,
> Reading all the wonderful statments about the Petronix Ignition I
insatlled it yesterday and am having great difficulty in geting my 1971 TR6
to run smooth. It is running very ruff no matter which way I move the
distributor(Retard or Advance) Can anyone offere some asistance/advice?