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RE: Petronix Question

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Petronix Question
From: JASandPJS@aol.com
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 08:37:01 EDT
Jim Swarthout wrote;

"Other than the fact that you must replace/adjust points occasionally,
(adjust once per year, replace every three; with daily driving!), what
real benefits do you derive from retrofitting to an electronic ignition?"

"Is there a significant horsepower increase? Can you actually feel it? I
don't see how! Is there a noticeable increase in fuel economy? I can't

I have used the Crane unit for the last three years and I am the worst 
mechanic I have ever met so I feel qualified to answer this one.  "Is there a 
significant horsepower increase?  Can you actually feel it?"  No and no.  "Is 
a noticeable increase in fuel economy?"  Never checked it, can't imagine why 
anyone driving a 30+ years old sports car would care about fuel economy.  But, 
what I did notice, and makes the switch worth it to me, is how difficult it 
was to start the car (if everything else was right!) depended on how the 
was that day; if it was hot or cold or dry or wet.  After the switch, starts 
at the first turn of the key every time and for me that makes the $100 and 
hours work worth it.

John, '71 TR6
Charleston, WV

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