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Re: M/C problem.. HELP !

To: pleask@shaw.ca (Pat Leask)
Subject: Re: M/C problem.. HELP !
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 16:22:07 -0700 (PDT)
Pat---If the MC bore is free of pits and scratches, a rebuild kit
sometimes can make a good seal again. It's also possible that running a
brake cylinder hone down the bore of the MC can clean it up enough to
make it like new. (Finish the bore with Crocus Cloth)

Note that there is an indentation in the brake servo cover, right at the
bottom of where the MC flange bolts on. Not certain of this but, I think
it's either an air bleed or was meant to allow drainage in case of MC
seal failure, rather than let fluid back up into the servo.

The www.buckeyetriumph.org  web site should be up soon, I'm told.  Check
out the repairs for the servo, to see if you want to fix yours.  


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