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Re: Can Servo's be rebuilt ?

To: Pat Leask <pleask@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: Can Servo's be rebuilt ?
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 20:16:33 -0400
Hi Pat

Buckeye Triumphs (Nelson Riedel) recommends....

Brake servo rebuild service:  Those of you that need a servo serviced 
might consider  Partco Automotive, 1494 State Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 
45204, 513-471-7000.   I talked to the owner Gary (had a TR4 in college) 
and obtained the following information:
He cleans, blasts and paints the units and replaces all soft parts 
including the seals, valves and diaphragm.  He uses a non OEM 
replacement check valve unless requested not to replace it.  The cost is 
$85 plus shipping and sales tax if you have it shipped to Ohio.
He can arrange to have the shells powder coated (he ships them to Fred 
Thomas (vafred@erols.com), you arrange with Fred to do the work and pay 
Fred directly for the powder coating.)  Fred says the powder coating 
charge is on the order of $25 and you can select from a variety of 
designer colors.
Gary offers two day turnaround on your unit. (Extra if you have Fred 
powder coat the shell). He does have units for exchange if you need one 
quicker and don't require your own unit back.
He cautioned that one can damage the shell if it's not taken apart 
properly.   If the shell is distorted it won't seal properly.

$85.00 plus $6.00 shipping. Mine will be in the mail to him tomorrow.

Don Malling

Pat Leask wrote:
> It never ends !!
> Just went to put the TVR back and now the servo is not working !!
> Please, I need more in put in what I should or have to do.
> Can the Servo be rebuilt successfully ?
> Is it possible it gave up the ghost because of the brake fluid ?
> Buy new or ?
> Thoughs and help appreciated !
> Pat

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