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M/C problem.. HELP !

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: M/C problem.. HELP !
From: Pat Leask <pleask@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 15:05:31 -0700
Hi all... well I think (?) I have solved my "Crappy Stromberg" problem on my 
TVR (TR6 drive train). But I need your collective wisdom on this.

I noticed that there is rather allot of paint peeled off the fire wall and 
chassis under..ya guess what, the brake servo unit ! If you recall from other 
posts the carb have been acting up for awhile (bucking). My thought is the 
brake fluid is leaking in to the servo and some is going down the fire wall and 
some to the intake of the manifold hence the bucking.

Is this a realistic problem ? Yes,the M/C was rebuilt about two years ago. 

Is this a common problem with the TR6 setup that I don't know about ?
Is my only option is to buy a NEW M/C (Ouch) ?
Any idea why there is no gasket at all between the M/C and the servo ?

Any suggestions ?
Thanks all, my wallet takes another hit...

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