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Re: TR250 brake MC disassembly

To: dmallin@attglobal.net
Subject: Re: TR250 brake MC disassembly
From: Trumpet76TR6@cs.com
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 00:34:13 EDT
In a message dated 6/9/2003 4:45:46 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
dmallin@attglobal.net writes: 
> I'm having trouble removing the hex nut which holds in the tipping valve 
> on my TR250 brake MC.
> Nelson doesn't mention anything special about removing it at 
> http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/technical/Brakes/MCPDWA/MC.htm
> I don't have the 1/2" allen wrench, so I'm using a pipe wrench and a hex 
> bolt as Nelson described. Just don't budge. I've soaked it in PC 
> blaster, but no go. Maybe I just need to get the big allen wrench and 
> lean on it???
> Any secrets to this??
> Thanks,
> Don Malling

     I just rebuilt mine in my 76 last month.  I didn't have the allen wrench 
either.  I used a bolt and turned it with a vise grip.  At first I had no 
luck with a 2 foot piece of chain link fence pipe on the vise grip for 
and even hammered on the pipe with a sledge hammer.  Then I went to a 4 foot 
length of fence pipe and it broke loose without much effort.  You just need 
more leverage.  
  Ken,   AZ,  76 TR6

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