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Re: gunst bearing install

To: sakirsis@txucom.net (STEPHEN KIRSIS)
Subject: Re: gunst bearing install
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 23:46:32 -0700 (PDT)
Stephen---When the spring is connected to both the strap and the bottom
hole in the clutch operating arm, it should have 15 lb. of pull when
extended 1/2".  This is a good quality extension spring with hooks at
both ends.  The instruction sheet should show this. If you don't have
it, I can check the overall length and wire diameter with one I now have
in operation.

Don---Any bearing to be found "grainy" is not worth installing. I'm
surprised that anyone at Gunst would say that such a bearing may need to
be broke in. 

One of the features in any throwout  bearing that is preloaded would be
that it turns at the same speed as the clutch. This would mean wear at
the fingers should be at a minumum, since the bearing doesn't have to go
from Zero up to X,000 rpm during gear changes. This also reduces the
amount of metal dust flying around that has the potential to get into
the bearing balls, thereby reducing bearing life.  Only a quality
bearing can withstand running full time over many miles. I feel that
it's also the main reason why the tech guys at TRF do not recommend that
any of their bearings be preloaded. I was also told that the crank
thrust washers may not hold up under a preload. While worth watching, so
far I have not found any of these to be an issue with this setup.

Dick Taylor

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