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Re: gunst bearing install

To: sakirsis@txucom.net (STEPHEN KIRSIS)
Subject: Re: gunst bearing install
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 16:29:01 -0700 (PDT)
Steve---Your mechanic no doubt means well, but he is not "preloading"
the throwout bearing by installing the spring in this direction. What he
is dong is a left over method from some applcations when the idea was to
ensure the bearing did not ride on the clutch. With the Gunst bearing,
you want it to ride with a preload.  
Tell him the bearing is capable of riding with the instructed preloaded.

To answer your question as to any damage in driving the car the way he
has it set...the answer would be "no". However, if he spring/pulls the
clutch operating arm back too far, there will be too much slack in the
linkage, and the clutch may not disengage. (I'm pretty sure he already
knows this)

Dick Taylor,
A Gunst user for 7,000 miles

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