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Re: Buy/rbld. brake mast cyl?

To: theedge@cts.com (Alan & Debbie Lindner)
Subject: Re: Buy/rbld. brake mast cyl?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 23:45:41 -0800 (PST)
Alan---I use a hone and Crocus cloth on all three units. As you may
know, we don't want a cross hatch pattern left from the honing stones. A
final polishing with Crocus, or a very fine emery will take care of
this. No in and out motion, only circular for the final finish. None of
these units leak fluid. Seals have been replaced about six times, since
new.  The bores are by now a couple of thousandths larger than original
but well within the expansion rate of the new seals.                  
What you are paying for when purchasing a new or rebuilt unit is a
cylinder with a bore that seals can work with. Many would say that it's
worth it to them to pay the money and save the time it takes to keep old
units in shape. To me, it's more hobby.


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