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Re: A type O/D

To: "Kai M. Radicke" <kmr@pil.net>,
Subject: Re: A type O/D
From: Dale Morgan <tpdwinch@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 16:42:13 -0700 (PDT)

Wouldn't the center out of an old clutch disc welded to
your pipe be alot simpler to fabricate then what you went

Just another look at the horse.

--- "Kai M. Radicke" <kmr@pil.net> wrote:
> > increasing my knowledge & confidence before the fact. 
> I
> > considered building a test stand and acquiring a
> pressure
> > gauge to prove the unit before reinstalling - ended up
> doing
> > it the hard way.
> Not to detract from Nelson's fine work, but there is a
> far simpler and just
> as effective method of testing your OD (and gearbox) than
> building a stand
> and purchasing a large electric motor to turn it.
> An electric drill will work fine, as will any air drill
> that does at least
> 1500RPM.  I made the tool from a piece of pipe, some nuts
> and bolts and an
> old intake valve.  I actually prefer this method of
> testing as it drives the
> gearbox via the input shaft instead of the tail shaft.
> http://www.pil.net/~felix/tools/st0001-kmr.html
> Easy, cost effective and very effective.
> Although I haven't updated it, you can make an input
> shaft collar out of an
> appropriately sized piece of copper tubing to prevent any
> marring of the
> metal even though the input shaft is already hardened.
> Kai
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